I want to build and sustain community economies in my practice
PCD Guidelines
PCD 35
How might we determine and achieve what is necessary for the practice’s and community’s personal and social survival?
Commoning the Surplus
Community Economies x Practice
PCD 36
How might we determine whether and how social surplus will be produced and consumed with and for the practice and its community?
Commoning the Surplus
Community Economies x Practice
PCD 37
How might we appropriate and distribute social surplus collectively, with and for the practice and its community?
Commoning the Surplus
Community Economies x Practice
PCD 38
How might we build and sustain a (or some) commons—commons of materials, equipment, knowledge, information, space to be used for diverse activities, file sharing, peer-to-peer instruction or guidance, and so on?
Commoning the Surplus
Community Economies x Practice
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