I want to create social power in my project
PCD Guidelines
PCD 01
How might we create new social relationships?
Facilitating Community Design
Social Power x Project
PCD 02
How might we increase and sustain social connectedness?
Facilitating Community Design
Social Power x Project
PCD 03
How might we support economic independence and well-being?
Facilitating Community Design
Social Power x Project
PCD 04
How might we support economically disadvantaged communities, using some costs for education of necessary skills (e.g., programming and development)?
Facilitating Community Design
Social Power x Project
PCD 05
How might we deliver value that can’t be commodified—is nonexclusive, nonrivalrous?
Facilitating Community Design
Social Power x Project
PCD 06
How might we fulfill at least one additional nonexclusive, nonrivalrous need or desire for each one discovered through research to fit the client’s economic concerns?
Facilitating Community Design
Social Power x Project
PCD 07
How might we engage constituents in learning valuable skills related to design processes?
Facilitating Community Design
Social Power x Project
PCD 08
How might we increase human capital by distributing knowledge of and experience with applications of new technologies for the project’s constituents?
Facilitating Community Design
Social Power x Project
PCD 09
How might we ensure that any knowledge, skills, or innovative techniques are shared and explained within the work itself?
Facilitating Community Design
Social Power x Project
PCD 10
How might we support participants/constituents in becoming self-sufficient by allowing them to increasingly design for themselves?
Facilitating Community Design
Social Power x Project
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